Interview with 'Justice Weed' Writer Courtney Buchanan

Interview with 'Justice Weed' Writer Courtney Buchanan

Hey Courtney, Thanks for chatting with us about your comic book 'Justice Weed'. Let’s start off saying how we met at this year's London Comic-Con. You wandered over to our booth and presented your own comic, you said you wrote and drew it yourself?

Hello WOSH!

Thank you for having me. It's my pleasure to give my first ever interview. It's a very exciting moment for me. Yes I wrote and illustrated Justice weed and we did meet at Comic Con 2024 when I stumbled across an amazing collection of comics and had to get a closer look. Greeted softly by amazing members of staff And it was then I had to present JUSTICE WEED! About two best friends destined to recover the seven pieces of light… Before the universe falls into darkness!

What inspired you to create your own comic? Is it something you’ve always wanted to do?

My love for cinema and stories. I never thought too much about making my own comic book series before. But passion in animation and anime made me understand the importance of storyboarding and telling a story on paper before shooting in live action. A quote I recently stumbled upon “The body is capable of what the mind believes”

That is a brilliant quote and I'm sure is known by most writers. We were drawn in after reading your first issue but obviously due to the nature of it does it come across as controversial to some? Is it safe to assume you’re happy to push the stereotypes about smoking weed?

Great question. And I am more than happy to answer it. I’ve been told this quite a lot since releasing JUSTICE WEED ISSUE #1 in October 2023 almost a year ago. I am happy to push and share a story about friendship that also just so happens to smoke weed occasionally. I know that there is a lot of misleading information out there and not to say its for everyone neither is art.

You're absolutely right, I think people are very quick to judge. Most literature challenges society, its acceptability and broadens peoples mindsets. It Sounds like you've created an intriguing storyline and sticking with it. Are you planning to make more issues of 'Justice Weed'?

Thank you! That's a very kind thing to say. I have great news! ISSUE #3 is almost completed and will be released on 28th September 2024 and will be available at or

Good to hear Courtney! Lastly can you tell us a little bit about the independent film called 'Cannabis is Illegal’ you're involved with?

It was my first ever feature film. That I had Wrote, Directed and Edited independently Premiered in Rich Mix Cinema June 2018. It is one of my pride and joys as I have many fond memories with friends and meeting new friends. You can also check it out on our website. Lots of ups and downs but so proud of everyone that helped contribute to the making of the film. I am excited to tell you I am working on my next feature film as we speak. It’s going to be a zombie film based in London!

You can follow me on @CourtneyJamesb and @SE3STUDIOS

It sounds like you've definitely got the creative bug. We wish you all the best and look forward to more issues or Justice Weed and your next feature film. 

Thank you so much for having me here today and can’t wait to see you all again soon



Thanks Courtney. Such a nice guy. You can check out Courtney's comics and films at or