High Grade Goodness in latest Marvel Slabbed Comics

High Grade Goodness in latest Marvel Slabbed Comics

High grade goodness in our latest batch of slabbed comics added to our store. 

We have a handful of stunning Marvel comics from the silver and bronze age featuring their most loved characters including issues from the Amazing Spider-Man run, Iron Man, HULK and Fantastic Four. Of course we've got some first appearance issues for you and we even have the very special first appearance of Wolverine in 'The Incredible Hulk Vol 1. #180' with a stunning CGC 9.2 NM- grade. 

Check them out below or in our store for our full list of slabbed comics.

The Incredible Hulk Vol 1. #180 CGC 9.2 Slabbed Comic, 1974 Cent copy
First appearance of Wolverine!

Iron Man Vol 1. #1 GCG 9.0 Slabbed Comic, 1968 Cent copy (restored)

Fantastic Four Vol 1. #49 GCG 9.0 Slabbed Comic, 1966 Cent copy (restored)
1st full appearance of Galactus!
2nd appearance of Silver Surfer!

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1. #50 GCG 9.0 Slabbed Comic, 1967 Cent copy (restored)
First appearance of Kingpin!

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1. #100 GCG 9.6 Slabbed Comic, 1971 Cent copy
The 100th-Anniversary Issue (Check out our Stan Lee signed box canvas with the same cover)

Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1. #257 GCG 9.6 Slabbed Comic, 1984 Cent copy