Introducing Wallace and Gromit Artist Mychailo Kazybrid

Introducing Wallace and Gromit Artist Mychailo Kazybrid

It's getting close to that time of year when everyone is getting ready to snuggle up and watch the classic Wallace and Gromit movies next to the Christmas tree. 

Being a British company we have watched and admired the hilarious duo growing up and now enjoy watching them and the characters that have spawn from the farm savvy minds behind Aardman animation. So when we got chatting with Mychailo Kazybrid about his work we couldn't believe he still had some of his original art he created for the Wallace and Gromit comic strip that first appeared in The Sun newspaper back in 2010. 

He has also done artwork for the Shaun the Sheep Comic with its first issue released in 2007 but sadly only lasted for 19 issues. His comic sketches can be seen across various titles such as The Transformers, released by Marvel UK back in the 80's, which includes his own comic short creation 'MATT AND THE CAT', The Sesame Street Magazine from the 90's, his hilarious 'Plastic Grannies' from Busty Meadows, The Lion Kids Bible comic and many more. 

Most UK comic readers will have come across Kazybrid's work at some point and it's an absolute honour to now have his original work in our archive. 

This collection has just arrived and won't be available to buy through the store just yet but if you see anything you'd like message the team via our social media platforms or at