Scarlett Witch Artwork For Wanda Fans

Scarlett Witch Artwork For Wanda Fans

So is anyone else enjoying Marvel's New WandaVision series?

A new take on the Avengers couple Wanda and Vision, carrying on after the events of Avengers: Endgame. I'll not go into any detail for anyone who hasn't watched the series so far but anyone who has read the comics will know what is happening. We've even got to see Elizabeth Olsen wearing the original Scarlett Witch suit that Marvel fans know and love. 

So I have found the stunning artwork we currently have of the mind controlling Avenger in her original costume.

Scarlet Witch Original Art Framed by Becky Knapp

Scartlett Witch by Mervyn McCoy Sketch Cover

 Avengers & Thunderbolts Vol 1 #2 Comic - Signed by Stan Lee

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