Warehouse Comic Book Clearance Boxes

Warehouse Comic Book Clearance Boxes

Our Warehouse Comic Book Clearance Boxes have proven to be popular via our ebay store so we thought we'd give you a behind the scenes look at how we make them, choose what issues go inside as well as how we display them to take the photos.

With the amount of comics in the box as well the value of some of the issues we sell these boxes for £600.00 via ebay however we do consider offers.

The boxes include a mix of comics from the 1960's to present including first issues, key issues and variants comic. Please note that there are more comics located under the top layer of comics in our photos. 

We believe the fair market value of comics in each box is approximately £2000.00!

Check out or latest Reel on Instagram for our behind the scenes look at our up-coming box in our ebay store.

Ebay Store: Worldofsuperheroes_Vault
Instagram: www.instagram.com/worldofsuperheroes/